
For the past three years we’ve been operating our online store, with www.balidirectstore.com, bringing the best of Bali’s produce to thousands of customers all over the Island and beyond. As Bali suffers under the strain of the pandemic, we’re expanding the boundaries of our business, with www.balidirectgallery.com, to bring Bali Direct to you care of our free worldwide delivery policy. We are supporting the sustainable development of local livelihoods of artists and artisans and the creative culture of Bali by engaging in fair trade practices and providing a certificate of authenticity for everything we sell.

What happens when the artistic traditions of Bali, rice field warrior photographers, glassblowers, mixed medium young talent and fourth generation wood carvers get together in a Bali left quiet by the pandemic? Vibrant reimagining, continuity and awakening. A grandmother passing on her spinning tradition to a young engaged couple, a mosaic of portraits is compiled into the face of a rice field warrior, glassblowers dust off their blocks of silica and a stranded conceptual artist uses technology to craft a dreamscape. An alchemy of spirit and form, east and west, young and old, celebration and ceremony is in our first public offering with much more to come.

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